Day 4: a song that makes me sad—Forest Moon

30 days of music, but only Boards of Canada, day 4.

We can't help being sad from time to time, but it's not something I actively work on, with or without musical stimuli. Let's go with intellectually- rather than emotionally-sad, then.

Though I totally understand the reasons—IP usage rights and quality control chiefly, I assume—it's a shame BoC's back catalogue isn't more readily available. But Gods-bless the internet that it's (somewhat) available at all.

Examples on my radar:

So much to choose from here, but let's go with Forest Moon from A Few Old Tunes. Lovely lovely tune. Doesn't fart about. Straightforward. Some synths and percussive elements come and go, but that's about it. Tempted to digress into their lovely track titles here, but let's save it.

YouTube only, this time, for obvs reasons.

#music #30daysofboc